Sunday School

Christian Education and Sunday School

We offer many Sunday school classes for youth (nursery, early elementary, late elementary to high school) and adults before the Sunday morning service. All classes begin at 9:30 am.


Teachers lead the children on their faith journey by instructing them on God's word and Jesus' teachings through lessons, scripture lessons, music and activities.

Our Children's Sunday School classes include:

Nursery and Toddlers-lower level

Pre-K to Grade 5 -lower level ("What's in the Bible?")

Grade 6 through Grade 12 - youth room (various topics/books)


The Adult Sunday School Program is founded on the small-group approach to learning and growing with God's word. The adult classes are taught by faithful laity.

Adult classes include:

Young Adult (after high school) - (lower level) in the New Fellowship Hall

Open Door - (lower level) in the Old Fellowship Hall

Seekers - (lower level) in the New Fellowship Hall

*Newcomers are invited to visit each class and select the class with the approach that best matches their learning preferences!


Shreve Community Church is a co-sponsor of VBS with other neighborhood churches of different denominations. Children from 3 years to Grade 6 take part in lessons, snacks, crafts and games. Youth serve as assistants and role models to the children.

SPECIAL EVENTS are held throughout the year involving the children, youth and community.